Channel: New Engines/Platforms — GSA SEO Forum
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Lots of Platforms to add :O

Difficulty on posting data to xml (making new engine)

I want to modify or update a xml in URL /s.aspx

Should i use modify url=/s.aspx or what???

but i am confused with the command how to post the data should look like:
post data=??

this is the html code:

<div id="divshoutboxcomment">
        <div><input type="hidden" id="ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox" name="ctl00$shoutbox$txtShoutBox" value="">
        <input type="hidden" id="ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox___Config" value="SkinPath=skins/silver/&amp;HtmlEncodeOutput=true">
        <iframe id="ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox___Frame" src="/fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox&amp;Toolbar=Basic" width="100%" height="100px" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe></div>
        <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
            <td width="40%"><input name="ctl00$shoutbox$txtshoutnick" type="text" value="Nick" id="ctl00_shoutbox_txtshoutnick" style="width:95%;margin:0px;padding:0px"></td>
            <td width="59%" align="right"><input name="ctl00$shoutbox$txtshouturl" type="text" value="http://" id="ctl00_shoutbox_txtshouturl" style="width:95%;margin:0px;padding:0px"></td>
        <div style="text-align:right"><input type="button" onclick="btnsendshout_click()" value="Pošalji"></div>
and this is the javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
var scrolling=true;
var reloadTime=60000;
if ( !document.all && (typeof FCKeditorAPI != "undefined") ){
var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( 'ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox' );
if ( oEditor.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG ) oEditor.MakeEditable();
function btnsendshout_click(){
var frmobj=document.getElementById('divshoutboxcomment');
var params='';
if (typeof FCKeditorAPI != "undefined") {
var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance( 'ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox' );
params=params + 'text=' + escape(oEditor.GetXHTML( false ));
params=params + 'text=' + escape(document.getElementById('ctl00_shoutbox_txtShoutBox2').value);
params=params + '&nick=' + escape(document.getElementById('ctl00_shoutbox_txtshoutnick').value);
params=params + '&url=' + escape(document.getElementById('ctl00_shoutbox_txtshouturl').value);
params=params + '&lastid=' + document.getElementById('ctl00_shoutbox_txtshoutlastid').value;
params=params + '&post=true';
ajaxpack.postAjaxRequest("/s.aspx", params, processPostShouts, "xml")
function processPostShouts(){
var myajax=ajaxpack.ajaxobj;
var myfiletype=ajaxpack.filetype;
if (myajax.readyState == 4){
if (myajax.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1){
if (myfiletype=="xml"){
function getShouts(){
ajaxpack.getAjaxRequest("/s.aspx", "lastid=" + document.getElementById('ctl00_shoutbox_txtshoutlastid').value, processGetShouts, "xml")
function processGetShouts(){
var myajax=ajaxpack.ajaxobj;
var myfiletype=ajaxpack.filetype;
if (myajax.readyState == 4){
if (myajax.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1){
if (myfiletype=="xml"){
var xmlDoc;
if (nl.length>0) {document.getElementById("ctl00_shoutbox_txtshoutlastid").value=getInnerText(nl[nl.length-1].getElementsByTagName("id")[0]) }
for (var i=0;i<nl.length;i++)
var newel=document.createElement("div");
newel.innerHTML="<b>" + getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("t")[0]) + "</b> :: "
if (getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("u")[0])=='-' || getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("u")[0])=='http://'){
newel.innerHTML+="<b>" + getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("n")[0]) + "</b><br />"
newel.innerHTML+="<b><a target='_blank' href='" + getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("u")[0]) + "'>" + getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("n")[0]) + "</a></b><br />"
newel.innerHTML+= getInnerText(nl[i].getElementsByTagName("s")[0])
var parent=document.getElementById("shoutboxmessages");
if (parent.childNodes.length>30){parent.removeChild(parent.childNodes[0])}
if (scrolling==true) {parent.scrollTop=parent.scrollHeight;}
function getInnerText (node) {
if (typeof node.textContent != 'undefined') {
return node.textContent;
else if (typeof node.innerText != 'undefined') {
return node.innerText;
else if (typeof node.text != 'undefined') {
return node.text;
else {
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 3:
case 4:
return node.nodeValue;
case 1:
case 11:
var innerText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
innerText += getInnerText(node.childNodes[i]);
return innerText;
return '';

How to Comment to this Platform

unknown directory script suggestion / question / improvement

there are some direectories around for quite some time like the following


there does not appear to be a footprint on the first page
but when you go to the links page i.e. http://directory.betterlinks.net/submit.html

there is always "Sponsored by: WebProNews"
and ALWAYS the following fields URL/email/category/captcha (type u102 with 50% success rate on the new CSX2)

is there way to script them ? Sven ? Ozz ?

one peculiarity of them is that the confirmation link contains AGAIN a captcha (type u102)
can this be handled by GSA SER ?

why should anyone care ?
1. there must be more than 1000 directories around (maybe more than that, webpronews sets them by the 100s up to promote their domain)
2. the approval rate is very fast (for directories) within a few minutes you can have live link
3. directories have not lost their power ;-)

putting it out there just in case anyone wants to give it a shot (maybe me if I get some time to learn the script engine)

[Suggestion] New Engines: WikkaWiki, DokuWiki, PHPizabi, Socialware, Socialengine

Hello everyone !
this is a list of footprints that i think Sven and Ozz need to work on and add in the near future :
-wikka wiki
-doku wiki

Would be awesome if these get added to GSA SER , i also can supply you with the footprints needed to scrape those sites

Revou and Jisko Engine for microblogging

phpIzabi for Social Networks

Dear Sven, dear Ozz and everybody who knows to code an Engine…

My next Suggestion is phpIzabi. Some Sites have a lot of Opportunities e.g. (blogs, member site, forum…)
Most allow registration, profile editing, posting.

phpIZABI SItes:

"Powered by PHPizabi" "Drop your"
"powered by phpizabi" inurl:?L=registration.register

WHat do you think about phpIzabi?

Thanks Marc

Can we create our own platforms ?

I studied the ini files a little bit and I'm confident I could create a new one for a different script.
Question is, will I be able to use it like any other platform or I have to wait for you guys until you will add the new platform to the next soft version ?

Scripting GUI

Anybody thought of creating a GSA SER scripting GUI program like the one offered in Magic Submitter and SENUKE Xcr?

I also like the idea of "crowd sourcing" the engines and engine updates..

new engine to anyone who can script -> Press Release Script

Sven or Ozz or whoever has time to add this new engine called "Press Release Script" (can be categorized under "Articles" since you submit your articles). Using the footprints below, I was able to scrape 89 unique sites/domains on ScrapeBox! I tested 50 of them to make sure the sites are alive and that you can register.

* Footprints - http://pastebin.com/zJvWq7U3
* Required Fields - http://pastebin.com/f2SrCSZW

JomSocial / JomBlogger / Joomla Blog love to have a new Engine

Hi Sven, hi Ozz and all the folks how know "How to script a new Engine/Platform,

I suggest: Joomla Blog or called JomSocial, etc…

- A lot have do-follow in content links (has to be in BB Code Format)
- A lot have a comment Function

I prepared some URLs and some footprints. I'm not so techi to code by myself but i can prepare things like finding footprints and harvesting some URLs…

If someone is interested i can send my "homework" by PM…

Good Contextual Platform

List Of Xrumer Supported Platforms

[Script] phpFox - Community Project

I want to start a new project with the help of the community and Sven if we get stuck at some point ;)

I know that the platform trainer will be released some day but I hope that this step by step guide will help you to understand how GSA works. This could help anyone who wants to fine tune existing scripts or scripts build with the platform trainer one day. Don't hesitate to ask any questions and assist me as good as you can.

As a side note I've tried to script some engines and none of it worked for me without the help of Sven, lol. 

Enough talk, let's get started.

Here are some example sites for phpfox I've found by now:

How did I found these sites?
Google: "powered by phpfox". This is the standard keyword to begin a search for all platforms. If you don't find anything related to your platform you should search for a demo site for that platform and try to figure out some unique footprints on that sites.

In this case I've noticed that phpFox has unique footprints for all releases they publish.
Now we have a good chunk of footprints to begin with:
"powered by phpfox version"
"Powered By phpFoX Version 1.5.1."
"powered by phpfox version 1.6"
"Powered by phpFoX Version 1.6.20."
"Powered by phpFoX Version 1.6.21."
"Powered by phpfox version 2.0"
"Powered By Phpfox Version 2.0.4"
"Powered by phpfox version 2.0.5"
"Powered By phpFox Version 2.0.6."
"Powered By phpFox Version 2.0.7."
"powered By Phpfox Version 2.1.0"
"Powered By phpFox Version 2.1.0beta2"
"Powered By Phpfox Version 2.1.1"
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0beta1."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0beta5."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0rc1."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0rc3."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.1."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.2"
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0beta1."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0rc1."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0"
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0beta1."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0beta2."
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0rc1."

Next thing I like to do is to take a look into the URLs and registration form of these websites. Footprints like "Sign up for phpFox" or "/index.php?do=/user/browse/" (= inurl:"/index.php?do=/user/browse/") would be just fine, if you get good results in google. As both footprints gave me not as much results as I hoped for I leave them out for now.

Once we have figured out some footprints we use the most common one "powered by phpfox" for detection as GSA needs to know what kind of platform it deals with. As some sites will hide these footprint or the footprint isn't as unique as it should be it is always a good idea to investigate the source code of the platform. The best results we would get to identify a platform is to find a code snippet that is unique and a component of every homepage that is driven by that platform engine.
You can open the source code with "ctrl+u" (in chrome). I have found "content="phpFox"" and "Phpfox.init" in some of those sites and these snippets will help for the beginning.

Now that we've done our research for footprints and identifiers we can compile our first very basic script:

default checked=0

page must have=powered by phpfox|content="phpFox"|Phpfox.init
;as you can see these our code snippets and most common footprint without quotes

;page must have=!PAGE SHOULD NOT HAVE

engine type=MyEngines
description=Social Network

search term="powered by phpfox version"|"Powered By phpFoX Version 1.5.1."|"powered by phpfox version 1.6"|"Powered by phpFoX Version 1.6.20."|"Powered by phpFoX Version 1.6.21."|"Powered by phpfox version 2.0"|"Powered By Phpfox Version 2.0.4"|"Powered by phpfox version 2.0.5"|"Powered By phpFox Version 2.0.6."|"Powered By phpFox Version 2.0.7."|"powered By Phpfox Version 2.1.0"|"Powered By phpFox Version 2.1.0beta2"|"Powered By Phpfox Version 2.1.1"|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0beta1."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0beta5."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0rc1."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.0rc3."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.1."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.0.2"|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0beta1."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0rc1."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0"|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0beta1."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0beta2."|"Powered By phpFox Version 3.3.0rc1."
;in "search term=" you have to fill in your footprints seperated with a "|"

Copy and paste this script into your text editor and save it as "phpFox.ini". This little script is very useful right now as it helps to find and identify websites powered by phpFox.
Next you have to do is to paste phpFox.ini into your GSA engines folder (...GSA Search Engine Ranker\Engines). You can scrape for phpFox sites with the "Search online for URLs"-Tool (Options -> Tools -> Search online..) now. Just choose your footprints by "Add predifined footprints" -> MyEngines -> phpFox. It is helpful to save the results to a custom file as well as the unknown ("Save Unknown") once scraping is done. The unknown sites can help to improve your script later and to identify more of these platform.

New Microblogging Platform - [Blogtronix/Sharetronix]

I tried following ozz's tutorial on creating your own script but this one is abit tricky.

Example site http://redesocial.dinheirodanet.com/signup

It requires you verify the email before you get to see the registration form(an attempt at preventing botting probably).Would be great if you can add this as it's quite popular and good for indexing once a micro message is left with a link.

 inurl:view "Powered by Blogtronix" -returns 15m results
inurl:view "Powered by sharetronix" -returns 2.8m results
inurl:view/post "Attached Image: " "Powered by" -returns 172k results

Seeing they are too many,it would be good if they could be filtered by PR.


GSA Script Editor (Notepad++ GSA Edition)

Anyone who likes to build, edit and improve GSA scripts has to use an editor. Search Engine Ranker uses simple *.ini files which are stored in your program directory (...\Program Files (x86)\GSA Search Engine Ranker\Engines). To open and edit these *.ini files you can use text editors like MS-Editor, PSPad or Notepad++. 

Notepad++ is well known for his ability to add an user defiened (script) language to change the look and feel of your scripts. As the latest version of Notepad++ doesn't support some highlighting options yet we have to use a patched beta version. Please take a look at the README file once you have downloaded and unzip Notepad++ GSA Edition if you want to know more about this.

Included to this editor is a GSA Script Helper File which is a converted version of the official script manual of GSA Search Engine Ranker. You will find this file in your ...\Notepad++ GSA Edition\scripts folder.


Single View

Dual View

GSA Script Helper

New: Calltips (press "CTRL+Space")

I'd open an *.ini but it doesn't look like in the screenshots?
- make sure you opened the right notepad++ executable. There are 2 executables in your folder. You need to open notepad++2.exe
- every time you open a new document you have to change the language. Please change it to "GSA Script" (Language -> GSA Script)


1. Unzip "Notepad++ GSA" and move the unzipped folder to a directory of your choice (c:/desktop/ OR C:/program files/)

2. Open "Notepad2++.exe"
ATTENTION!!! There are two exe-files in the main folder. YOU HAVE to open Notepad2++.exe AND NOT notepad++.exe (*)

3. Open "GSA - Scripting.txt". You find this textfile in your script directory of your notepad++ installation (C:/program files/notepad++ gsa/SCRIPTS)

You could also open a script from GSA, but I advice you to BACKUP THEM FIRST before you touch any of them! Copy these scriptfiles from ".../program files/gsa search engine ranker/engines/" to ".../notepad++ gsa/scripts". You can open/edit these files within the script-folder safely.

4. Change the "Language" to GSA Script (-> Language -> GSA Script). You should see the difference now to the normal text language.

5. This package has an auto-safe plugin installed. Go to "Plugins -> Auto-Safe -> Options" and change the settings if you want to. (**)

6. If you don't like the colors of the highlights or want to add new variables you have to click "View -> User-Defined Dialogue...", choose "GSA Script" (User language) and move to the "Keywords Lists"-tab.
To change colors you have to click "Styler" analouge to the group. To add a new variable you have enter "CTRL + Enter key" to add a new line.

(*) (**) USE THIS SOFTWARE AT OWN RISKS! This is not an offical release of Notepad++. There are 3 major changes compared to the latest notepad++ release.
I. This is version 5.9.3 of Notepad++. This is not the latest realease but you have to use this until Notepad++ supports "Multi Part Keywords" officially
II.  In order to have necessary highlighting options in the user define dialogue I had to add a patched notepad++ version. There are two patched files. (Notepad2++.exe and SciLexer2.dll) which you won't find in any offical release of notepad++
If you want to know more about it:
Source: https://github.com/Loreia/UDL2/downloads (Patch version "NPP_UDL2_16.zip")
III. Auto-Safe Plugin.

Recent Changes:
- v0.1 released
- v0.15 released (only some small fixes)
- v0.2 released: implemented calltips (press "crtl+space), minor changes and fixed, new keywords

Sven Please Include This [Social Networks Powered By Ning]

"inurl:/xn/detail/" About 17,600,000
"inurl:/profiles/status/show?id=" About 5,930,000

The homepage at http://ning.com says there are approx. 2 million communities powered by  their platform but i think they are way more than that.
I have noticed search engines pick up quick on the micro messages/status messages,so would be great if you optimise this for the extra submission as I have seen really good results(doing it by hand which is really tedious and limited).Sven Please bot this.

P.S:Alot of them rely heavily on recaptcha on registration so that might be abit expensive but the results make up for that.

Really looking forward to seeing this in the next update.Am sure you can get more footprints :)

new tblog.com script question

when I select this engine the email verification box does not show up for me to put in my pop3 details.

I have:
verify by=email

What else do I need to be able to put in my pop3 details?

Here is my script I wrote: http://pastebin.com/1f8e4xUK&nbsp;

any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Web 2.0 Sites that no longer work.

Here are two sites that I have noticed that no longer accept registrations or you have to be logged in to view the link. If you come across any that we cannot get links from post them here and hopefully we can clean up the web 2.0 category a bit.

1. libcom.org - have to be logged in to view anything
2. ideamarketers.com - cannot register

Blog Comments On Drupal

Just saw this mentioned on a thread on BHW..

If you look at "Method 2: Leaky Drupal Blog Comments", it says that the comments on drupal articles are mostly dofollow and mostly autoapprove too..

Would there be any chance of adding a feature of being able to comment on drupal blogs on ser?!

Thanks :)
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<script src="https://jsc.adskeeper.com/r/s/rssing.com.1596347.js" async> </script>